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Soil biology

Growth Balance has specialised in this aspect of soil. Through studies, tests, special soil samples, and practical applicable research, we have developed systems that contribute to being less dependent on chemical aids for different cultivations. These systems concern full-ground cultivation, substrate cultivation (potting soil), public green, agriculture, and horticulture. The use of good analyses and techniques provides us with insight in existing problems. This is necessary in order to form a strategy to solve these problems. 

The practical applicability can include, among other things; adjustments in fertilization, ground operating, and applying active soil biology. for example with good green composts on a woody basis, myccorhizae, water treatment, and microbiology.

Since 2003, we have been active giving courses Soil biology to groups of enterpreneurs. This has lead to the point where diverse nurserymen, gardeners, and other agricultural enterpreneurs apply soil biological solutions in their business. Promoting soil biology, in your situation, means another approach to soil and fertilizing. Something that is not taught at school and is based on knowledge that is not announced by conventional agriculture and horticulture. You learn how to solve or prevent the problems that can happen during cultivation, with the use of your own system.

For more information about this subject or the course; Contact us"

Fact - Sheet Microorganismen